gearbox joint does not work correctly
Hello everyone. I am a user of Gazebo & ROS.
I am using mimic_joint_pluginto open/close a robot gripper. This works correctly (An example motion is here
My xacro file is here link. Please see lines 125 to 131.
<plugin name="crane_x7_gripper_mimic_joint" filename="">
So mimic_joint_plugin is not official plugin of Gazebo, I am trying to use gearbox joint instead of the plugin. This works notcorrectly (An example motion is here
I think the finger_b_link couldn't follow the motion of finger_base_link.
I add a gearbox joint and comment out the plugin in the xacro file.
<joint name="${name}_finger_gearbox" type="gearbox">
<xyz>0 1 0</xyz>
<xyz>0 1 0</xyz>
<plugin name="crane_x7_gripper_mimic_joint" filename="">
Where should I fix in the xacro file?
Is it working now? I think I am facing the same issue in gazebo 9. But it is working properly in gazebo 11