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ATLAS dimensions, DOF locations

asked 2013-04-08 23:26:31 -0500

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Dear all,

Can anyone have the draw of ATLAS links dimensions and DOF distribution and location?



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1 Answer

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answered 2013-04-09 17:03:56 -0500

hsu gravatar image

Atlas is specified via URDF, its documentation with graphical illustrations can be found here.

The Atlas URDF starts out as a xacro macro, as indicated in the header, atlas.urdf.xacro uses macros defined in included atlas_simple_shapes.urdf and others to expand into atlas.urdf at compile time.

Basic idea reiterated here:

A Model is composed of a collection of rigid-body Links and Joint constraints. The transform between Links are defined in corresponding Joint blocks. So for example, take a look at this Joint block in atlas_simple_shapes.urdf.xacro:

<joint name="back_lbz" type="revolute">
    <origin xyz="-0.0125 0 0" rpy="0 -0 0" />
    <parent link="pelvis" />
    <child link="ltorso" />

Above basically says: The transform from pelvis Link frame to ltorso Link frame is defined by a linear translation of (-0.0125, 0, 0), followed by Euler rotation of (0, 0, 0) radians.

A set of c++ URDF data structures are described here and a corresponding parser is in urdfdom.


One way to visualize URDF model is with rviz. Starting with this DRC Tutorial, you can add a TF object:

image description

which will display Link frames:

image description

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How to visualize COM of Atlas? is it possible?

vncntmh gravatar imagevncntmh ( 2013-05-30 23:38:12 -0500 )edit

Gazebo allows you to view the center of mass through the "View menu"

nkoenig gravatar imagenkoenig ( 2013-08-02 14:48:21 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-04-08 23:26:31 -0500

Seen: 417 times

Last updated: May 30 '13