Is it currently possible to run ROS2 and Gazebo together on Windows 10?
I've spent quiet some time looking for information or tutorials where it shows how to use ROS2 and Gazebo together on Windows 10, and I haven't found anything yet. That's why I decided to create a post, and ask the following question: Is it currently possible to run ROS2 and Gazebo together on Windows 10? I've found pages where they explain how to use WSL to run Gazebo but I'm looking for an actual implementation for Windows like ROS2.
The only thing I found is this Gazebo tutorial that explains how to compile Gazebo on Windows:
, and it says "It does not actually work yet.".... Moreover, I don't even know if it would be possible to connect it to ROS2 on Windows 10. This page doesn't even mention Windows 10:
The other option will be to use Ignition Robotics but I think it's currently only compatible with ROS Melodic.
Asked by andrestoga on 2019-07-11 10:08:15 UTC
Microsoft has been leading the port of ROS1 and Gazebo 9 to Windows, documented here: .
Once Gazebo 9 works on Windows, gazebo_ros_pkgs
's ROS 2 branches should be mostly ready for it too. I don't know of anyone who has tried it though.
Asked by chapulina on 2019-07-11 10:58:33 UTC
In that webpage they have an example of a Turtlebot 3 running on Gazebo using ROS1. I wonder if the same Gazebo will work for ROS2.
Asked by andrestoga on 2019-07-11 22:29:47 UTC
If it doesn't work, it should be a matter of tweaking some details on gazebo_ros_pkgs
's ros2 branches.
Asked by chapulina on 2019-07-12 07:52:12 UTC
Ok, I guess is still experimental and there is no guarantee that will work out-of-the-box without doing some tweaking in ROS2. It would be great to have some tutorials about that in the future.
Asked by andrestoga on 2019-07-12 10:19:25 UTC
@chapulina are the gazebo_ros_pkgs's ros2 branches compatible for Windows10?
Asked by andrestoga on 2019-07-12 10:23:20 UTC
That's what someone with a Windows machine would need to check :) I'm happy to merge PRs if you find anything that needs tweaking to work on Windows.
Asked by chapulina on 2019-07-12 10:43:52 UTC
Here could be related (
I tried the ROS1 port of microsoft and I can work with URDF in gazebo that works fine. But as mentioned in the question above there are some troubles with the SDF.
Asked by Chilicheese on 2019-07-11 15:31:10 UTC