How to solve No namespace found error in Gazebo ?
I have been trying to launch a robot by first spawning it in gazebo and then later the controllers using roslaunch. I had succefully launched the robot yesterday, but now when I am trying to launch, I am having "No namspace found" error from gazebo. I remember getting this error last time as well and when I exported gazebo paths , it worked, this time even after I exported GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH and GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH, the error still appears. Here are the commands I have used to load the model.
roslaunch spider_gazebo spider_world.launch
spdier_gazebo is the catkin package which has the world launch file. I have sourced my catkin workspace aswell. these are the commands I am using to export gazebo environment variables,
The xacro file of my model is in path catkin_ws/src/spider/spider_description/urdf
and the world map is in
can anyone please help me with this ?