Ways of applying force to a body in Gazebo
In a Gazebo API there are many methods of applying force to a link.
- AddForce
- AddForceAtRelativePosition
- AddForceAtWorldPosition
- AddLinkForce
What do they do? What is the difference between AddForce and SetForce? How is AddLinkForce different from the others?
Here is their specification:
virtual void AddForce ( const math::Vector3 & _force ) pure virtual Add a force to the body.
Parameters [in] _force Force to add. Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.
virtual void AddForceAtRelativePosition ( const math::Vector3 & _force, const math::Vector3 & _relPos ) pure virtual Add a force to the body at position expressed to the body's own frame of reference.
Parameters [in] _force Force to add. [in] _relPos Position on the link to add the force. Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.
virtual void AddForceAtWorldPosition ( const math::Vector3 & _force, const math::Vector3 & _pos ) pure virtual Add a force to the body using a global position.
Parameters [in] _force Force to add. [in] _pos Position in global coord frame to add the force. Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.
virtual void AddLinkForce ( const math::Vector3 & _force, const math::Vector3 & _offset = math::Vector3::Zero ) pure virtual Add a force expressed in the link frame.
Parameters [in] _force Direction vector expressed in the link frame. Each component corresponds to the force which will be added in that axis and the vector's magnitude corresponds to the total force. [in] _offset Offset position expressed in the link frame. It defaults to the link origin. Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.
virtual void AddRelativeTorque ( const math::Vector3 & _torque ) pure virtual Add a torque to the body, components are relative to the body's own frame of reference.
Parameters [in] _torque Torque value to add. Implemented in BulletLink, SimbodyLink, ODELink, and DARTLink.
virtual void AddTorque ( const math::Vector3 & _torque ) pure virtual Add a torque to the body.
virtual void SetForce ( const math::Vector3 & _force ) pure virtual Set the force applied to the body.
Parameters [in] _force Force value. Implemented in ODELink, BulletLink, DARTLink, and SimbodyLink.
virtual void SetTorque ( const math::Vector3 & _torque ) pure virtual Set the torque applied to the body.
Parameters [in] _torque Torque value. Implemented in ODELink, BulletLink, DARTLink, and SimbodyLink.
Asked by kumpakri on 2019-08-06 03:37:08 UTC
This issue may have some helpful context: https://bitbucket.org/osrf/gazebo/issues/354/setforce-settorque-in-class-odelink-point
Asked by chapulina on 2019-08-06 12:53:08 UTC