Exporting model and textures from Blender
This is a similar question to http://answers.gazebosim.org/question...
I have a 3d model of a plant
When I export it as a .dae from Blender it exports the file into multi parts
When I add the plant to my URDF file:
<visual> <origin xyz='1.55 0 0' rpy='0 0 0' /> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://lawn_tractor_sim/meshes/beet/beet.dae" scale='1 1 1'/> </geometry> </visual>
It shows up grey in simulation and in RVIZ:
Is there a tutorial on how to export a model from blender and get the textures to show up in gazebo?
When I try to export it as a .obj from Blender I get two files .mtl and .obj but not sure how to load them or where the textures are. The obj looks like a different approach. How are these images made and exported https://github.com/osrf/car_demo/blob...
Thanks in advance,