Simulation stops on spawn of 2D LIDAR ROS Melodic
I am trying to create an outdoor simulation using Gazebo heightmap and my urdf robot model. As soon as i spawn my model into my world ( the Gazebo Sim Time stops.
This can be recreated by starting the gazebo world and then spawning the 2D LIDAR in it
roslaunch gazeboros emptyworld.launch emptyworld.launch worldname:="
roslaunch my_pkg sick.launch
sick.launch is a launchfile to spawn a LIDAR from the sick_scan repo.
When I do the same but with a flat style world everything works as expected.
Anybody got an Idea why this happens?
Thank you for your help
Gazebo Version 9.11.0 (I upgraded from 9.0 since I hoped this would eliminate my problems) Ubuntu 18.04 ROS Melodic
Asked by GeorgNo on 2019-09-19 05:51:13 UTC