my collision is not working
Hello everyone, I am new to gazebo, so I am not very familiar with gazebo.
My problem is about collision. I have put on <collision> tag in my urdf-file ( a hand model ), but the little finger still can run into my Palm.
The following is my code, and the bottom is the video.
<link name="hand_base"> is my palm, <link name="finger5"> is the little finger's first part, <link name="finger5_1"> is the little finger's second part.
<link name="hand_base"> <visual> <origin xyz="0 0.061515 0" rpy="0 0 0"/> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://rrbot_description/meshes/hand_base_group_version8_final.dae" scale="1 1 1"/> </geometry> <material name="black"/> </visual> <collision> <origin xyz="0 0.061515 0" rpy="0 0 0"/> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://rrbot_description/meshes/hand_base_group_version8_final.dae" scale="1 1 1"/> </geometry> </collision> <inertial> <origin xyz="0 0 0"/> <mass value="1"/> <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01"/> </inertial> </link> <joint name="hand_base_to_finger5" type="continuous"> <parent link="hand_base"/> <child link="finger5"/> <origin xyz="-0.03075 0.1099 -0.005841" rpy="0 ${2*PI/360*7} ${2*PI/360*6}"/> <axis xyz="1 0 0"/> <limit effort="30" velocity="1"/> </joint> <link name="finger5"> <visual> <origin xyz="0 0.019427 0"/> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://rrbot_description/meshes/finger5_shell.dae" scale="1 1 1"/> </geometry> <material name="black"/> </visual> <collision> <origin xyz="0 0.019427 0"/> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://rrbot_description/meshes/finger5_shell.dae" scale="1 1 1"/> </geometry> </collision> <inertial> <origin xyz="0 0 0"/> <mass value="1"/> <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01"/> </inertial> </link> <joint name="finger5_to_finger5_1" type="continuous"> <parent link="finger5"/> <child link="finger5_1"/> <origin xyz="0 0.0355 0" rpy="0 0 0"/> <axis xyz="1 0 0"/> <limit effort="30" velocity="1"/> </joint> <link name="finger5_1"> <visual> <origin xyz="0 0.017182 0" rpy="0 0 0"/> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://rrbot_description/meshes/finger5_end.dae" scale="1 1 1"/> </geometry> <material name="black"/> </visual> <collision> <origin xyz="0 0.017182 0" rpy="0 0 0"/> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://rrbot_description/meshes/finger5_end.dae" scale="1 1 1"/> </geometry> </collision> <inertial> <origin xyz="0 0 0"/> <mass value="1"/> <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01"/> </inertial> </link>
This is the video.
Thank you for your answer. Thanks.