COLLADA Mesh vs Box behavior difference
I am currently using Fuerte-Gazebo (Gazebo-1.0.2).
Given same exact values under <collision> <surface>. (literally all values are same including size) 1. simple box collada mesh 2. box from gazebo UI
They behave differently when I put a bowl/can on it. On collada model, it sort of bounces and jumps out. (even though all collision values are same) But on a same size box, objects will soon settle down.
What is causing behavior difference? Is there anything other than <collision> <surface> that plays the role?
Here are the values I copied from box generated from Gazebo client.
<ode mu='2147483647.0' mu2='2147483647.0' fdir1='0.0 0.0 0.0' slip1='0.0' slip2='0.0'/>
<bounce restitution_coefficient='0.0' threshold='1000000.0'/>
<ode soft_cfm='0.0' soft_erp='0.20' kp='2147483647.0' kd='1.00' max_vel='5.00' min_depth='0.00'/>
does your box collada mesh have a high polygon count? Not sure if it's the case but it could be that it's generating many contact collisions with the bowl/can which causes the unstable behavior. Of course it could be something else..
Not too familiar with collada mesh. it was exported from sketchup. It appears as flat box in sketchup. Actually, visualizing in meshlab shows only two polygons for the surface.