Combine two links with both prismatic and revolute
Hello all,
Is it possible to have both prismatic and revolute joint on the same pose in one object?
Thanks in advance!
Hello all,
Is it possible to have both prismatic and revolute joint on the same pose in one object?
Thanks in advance!
You can combine the joints. It will be technically 3 links connected by 2 elementary joints, not 2 links connected by 1 complex joint.
link1 --> joint1:prismatic --> link2(dummy link) --> joint2:revolute --> link3
You will have to think about how to set it (joints position, links dimension and inertial) so it made sense for your concrete application.
Asked: 2019-09-26 10:16:49 -0500
Seen: 2,694 times
Last updated: Sep 30 '19
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