Block Laser plugin for Pointcloud2
I am using the block laser plugin from gazeborospkgs (currently running ROS Melodic and Gazebo9) but I want the output to be a PointCloud2 topic and not PointCloud. I am aware of the fact that there is a convertPointCloudToPointCloud2 in sensormsgs, but feeding it with a large scale scan causes pretty serious delay issues. There is a fork of the gazeboros_pkgs in github (in indigo and jade devel branches) but it's for an older version of ROS (indigo and jade). I was wondering if anyone has found a block laser plugin to work for ros melodic and gazebo9.
Asked by NTkot on 2019-10-09 07:26:36 UTC
There's an open pull request implementing this for Melodic.
Asked by chapulina on 2019-10-14 08:04:06 UTC
You can consider velodyne's implementation which extends the default gazebo_ros_block_laser
to publish PointCloud2
Just run
sudo apt install ros-melodic-velodyne-gazebo-plugins
and replace, in your model.sdf
Asked by wongrufus on 2020-10-19 20:28:14 UTC
Just some feedback. This solution works fine for me!
Asked by Nobel on 2022-06-02 15:26:39 UTC