Can I have both Gazebo-classic(9) and Ignition Gazebo linked to ROS Melodic on the same machine?
I am new to Gazebo. Knowing that Ignition Gazebo does not have all the features of Gazebo classic (v9), I would like to explore both of the following couplings:
- the classical ROS (melodic) and Gazebo 9
- ROS (melodic) + (ros to ign) bridge + Ignition Gazebo
Is it possible to get both solutions working on the same computer, or am I allowed to use only one of these?
Asked by Paolo on 2019-10-11 07:37:16 UTC
From this talk I devised that you can have both Gazebo-classic and Ignition Gazebo installed on your computer and switching between them, but the projects that you would run with them wouldn't be the same. A project developed for Gazebo 9 would not run on Ignition Gazebo and vice versa.
Asked by kumpakri on 2020-04-09 08:59:32 UTC
That's correct 👍 To a certain extent, SDF/URDF models and worlds can be shared, but not plugins.
Asked by chapulina on 2020-04-09 13:46:58 UTC