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Gpu Ray Plugin crashes when deleted


I have a simple empty world containing just a model with a GpuRayPlugin. When trying to delete the GpuRayPlugin from my model, gazebo crashes and returns a segfault. Here is the error message, with some prints I use for debugging (the code and instructions on how to reproduce are given below):

[Wrn] [] Start destructor  
ID value is 0
Event bool value is 1

Thread 1 "gzserver" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000055555719fd20 in ?? ()

I have already tried the following:

The full backtrace can be found here. The error seems to occur in de destructor of a Connection object, more specifically when Disconnect() is called.

I do not really know what to try anymore... does anyone have an idea/suggestion as to what may be causing this?


I reproduce here some of the code I think is relevant, with some added debug print statements.

The Connection class:

class GZ_COMMON_VISIBLE Connection
  public: Connection(Event *_e, const int _i);
  public: ~Connection();
  public: int Id() const;
  private: Event *event = nullptr;
  private: int id = -1;
  private: common::Time creationTime;
  public: template<typename T> friend class EventT;

The Connection destructor:

  gzwarn << "Start destructor \n";                                  //for debug

  if (this->event && this->id >= 0)
    bool eventBool = this->event->Signaled();                       //for debug
    std::cout << "ID value is " << this->id << std::endl;           //for debug
    std::cout << "Event bool value is " << eventBool << std::endl;  //for debug
    std::cout << typeid(this->event).name() << std::endl;           //for debug
    this->id = -1;
    this->event = nullptr;
  gzwarn << "End destructor \n";                                    //for debug

The Event and EventT class:

  public: Event();
  public: virtual ~Event();
  public: virtual void Disconnect(int _id) = 0;
  public: bool Signaled() const;
  public: void SetSignaled(const bool _sig);
  private: bool signaled;


template<typename T>
class EventT : public Event
  public: EventT();
  public: virtual ~EventT();
  public: ConnectionPtr Connect(const std::function<T> &_subscriber);
  public: virtual void Disconnect(int _id);




void EventT<T>::Disconnect(int _id)
  printf("Start disconnect \n");                                //for debug

  // Find the connection
  auto const &it = this->connections.find(_id);

  if (it != this->connections.end())
    it->second->on = false;
  printf("End disconnect \n");                                  //for debug

To reproduce


I noticed this is actually an issue: issue #2574, but there are no comments or proposed fixes so this does not help much :-(

Asked by rafiki on 2019-10-17 08:37:09 UTC

