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Unrealistic friction for a set of tubes

Hello, I'm using Gazebo to simulate the dynamics of a set of curved entangled tubes, to emulate a real-life experimental setup. Geometrically, I'm representing the curved tubes as a linked list of cylinders with fixed joints, since they are made of rubber and are practically rigid.

My issue is that when I use the real-life values for the (links') mass, the tubes tend to slip when placed on top of another tube. If I multiply all the tubes' mass by 5, this issue does not occur and the whole system of tubes remains "stable" throughout the simulation. However, I would prefer to use the tubes' actual masses, in order for the simulation to be as realistic as possible.

My question is: What physics parameter(s) do I need to change (and to what values) to prevent the tubes from slipping when using their real-life mass?

Here are the links to my .world files, which contain all the parameters I'm using. You can run yourself these files in Gazebo to see what's happening:

In addition, here is a summary of the physics parameters I'm using:

I've already tried changing the values of these parameters, but to no avail.

Thank you in advance for your time and help.

Asked by GonçaloLeão on 2019-12-13 09:55:43 UTC

