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How to correct a texture problem in Gazebo?

Hello developers!

First, my system Information:

I'm using right now an OpenManipulator-PRO from ROBOTIS and I decided to insert a custom camera and gripper in this arm using a COLLADA type for the meshes that I created using Onshape.

Bellow you can see in Rviz how it looks like:

image description

But, in gazebo:

image description

How can I solve this texture problem in gazebo?

Asked by kaike_wesley_reis on 2019-12-17 20:09:06 UTC



I am assuming you didn't give your camera a colour in Gazebo. That is why Gazebo has just decided to make it black.

in the URDF file for your camera add the following:

<gazebo reference="{name of your camera link}">
  <material value="Gazebo/White" />

That way your camera should also appear white in Gazebo.

Asked by joe28965 on 2019-12-20 08:53:58 UTC
