Poor Rendering Performance on MBP, 16'' 2019 Gazebo 9

asked 2019-12-30 05:03:10 -0600

aokholm gravatar image

The rendering performance can barely crawl above 2 fps.

Using Parallels I was able to achieve ~40 fps with Ubuntu 16.04 and ~60 fps with ubuntu 18.04.

CPU load stays low and the real time factors remains at 1, so it's only a graphics related issue. Is there something I do to improve the performance ? Thanks

image description

Gazebo is installed using brew

brew info gazebo9
osrf/simulation/gazebo9: stable 9.11.0 (bottled), HEAD
Gazebo robot simulator
Conflicts with:
  gazebo10 (because Differing version of the same formula)
  gazebo11 (because Differing version of the same formula)
  gazebo2 (because Differing version of the same formula)
  gazebo3 (because Differing version of the same formula)
  gazebo4 (because Differing version of the same formula)
  gazebo5 (because Differing version of the same formula)
  gazebo6 (because Differing version of the same formula)
  gazebo7 (because Differing version of the same formula)
  gazebo8 (because Differing version of the same formula)
/usr/local/Cellar/gazebo9/9.11.0_4 (1,260 files, 126.9MB) *
  Poured from bottle on 2019-12-30 at 10:35:07
From: https://github.com/osrf/homebrew-simulation/blob/master/Formula/gazebo9.rb
==> Dependencies
Build: cmake ✔, pkg-config ✔
Required: boost ✔, doxygen ✔, freeimage ✔, graphviz ✔, ignition-fuel-tools1 ✔, ignition-math4 ✔, ignition-msgs1 ✔, ignition-transport4 ✔, libtar ✔, ogre1.9 ✔, ossp-uuid ✔, protobuf ✔, protobuf-c ✔, qt ✔, qwt ✔, sdformat6 ✔, tbb ✔, tinyxml ✔, tinyxml2 ✔, zeromq ✔
Recommended: bullet ✔, dartsim ✔, ffmpeg ✔, gts ✔, simbody ✔
Optional: gdal ✘, player ✘
==> Options
    Build with gdal support
    Build with player support
    Build without bullet support
    Build without dartsim support
    Build without ffmpeg support
    Build without gts support
    Build without simbody support
    Install HEAD version

Best Regards Andreas

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