To calculate the Angular acceleration of link.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't AngularVelocity= Torque/ Moment of Inertia. Linear velocity = Force/ mass. Since both
math::Vector3 Link::GetRelativeLinearAccel() const { return this->GetRelativeForce() / this->inertial->GetMass(); }
math::Vector3 Link::GetRelativeAngularAccel() const { return this->GetRelativeTorque() / this->inertial->GetMass(); }
are using GetMass() then, both torque and force are being divided by mass to give you linear velocity and angular velocity respectively which I think is physically incorrect. But it has been done even in the setter functions under, I don't know if it was wanted it that way. Or I am seeing it wrong.
Asked by vedmathai on 2013-04-17 09:45:35 UTC
Can you post link to specific line of code in bitbucket? This may be worth posting an issue.
Asked by dcconner on 2013-04-17 10:53:31 UTC
as @dcconner pointed out, you have misspelled velocity with acceleration
Asked by AndreiHaidu on 2013-04-17 11:04:14 UTC
Thanks for pointing out the mistake in the heading. I have edited that.
Asked by vedmathai on 2013-04-17 11:53:36 UTC
The link is it is at line 578
Asked by vedmathai on 2013-04-17 11:54:00 UTC
and there is already an issue posted by John Hsu, But he was just referring to one of the functions. What I was asking was, why is it at every angular acceleration getter and setter function, only 'Torque/Mass' is used and not 'Torque/Inertia'.
Asked by vedmathai on 2013-04-17 11:57:59 UTC
When we fix issue #607, we'll fix it for all the relevant functions, not just the one listed in the issue details. Feel free to add links to other places that need a fix on the issue page.
Asked by scpeters on 2013-04-18 00:15:45 UTC