To calculate the Angular acceleration of link. [closed]
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't AngularVelocity= Torque/ Moment of Inertia. Linear velocity = Force/ mass. Since both
math::Vector3 Link::GetRelativeLinearAccel() const { return this->GetRelativeForce() / this->inertial->GetMass(); }
math::Vector3 Link::GetRelativeAngularAccel() const { return this->GetRelativeTorque() / this->inertial->GetMass(); }
are using GetMass() then, both torque and force are being divided by mass to give you linear velocity and angular velocity respectively which I think is physically incorrect. But it has been done even in the setter functions under, I don't know if it was wanted it that way. Or I am seeing it wrong.
Can you post link to specific line of code in bitbucket? This may be worth posting an issue.
as @dcconner pointed out, you have misspelled velocity with acceleration
Thanks for pointing out the mistake in the heading. I have edited that.
The link is it is at line 578
and there is already an issue posted by John Hsu, But he was just referring to one of the functions. What I was asking was, why is it at every angular acceleration getter and setter function, only 'Torque/Mass' is used and not 'Torque/Inertia'.
When we fix issue #607, we'll fix it for all the relevant functions, not just the one listed in the issue details. Feel free to add links to other places that need a fix on the issue page.