Velodyne VLP-16 is showing only 1 beam instead of 16 beams in Gazebo
I am trying to build a Velodyne VLP-16
but using the official documentation of the velodyne hdl-32 as I would like to replicate the physical simulation in Gazebo
As you can see in the image below I am only getting 1 beam instead of 16 beams.
What I was expecting was something similar to the image below with all the 16 beams:
Below the xml
file I have been working on, but now I stopped because of that:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.5">
<world name="location_monitor">
<!-- A global light source -->
<!-- A ground plane -->
<model name="velodyne_vlp_16">
<!-- This is the BASE of the Lidar -->
<link name="base">
<!-- Offset the base by half the lenght of the cylinder -->
<pose>0 0 0.0084 0 0 0</pose>
<collision name="base_collision">
<!-- Radius and length provided by Velodyne -->
<!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision -->
<visual name="base_visual">
<!-- This is the TOP of the Lidar -->
<link name="top">
<!-- Vertically offset the top cylinder by the length of the bottom
cylinder and half the length of this cylinder. -->
<pose>0 0 0.0637 0 0 0</pose>
<collision name="top_collision">
<!-- Radius and length provided by Velodyne -->
<!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision -->
<visual name="top_visual">
<!-- LASER SCAN -->
<link name="laser_scan">
<sensor type="ray" name="sensor">
<!-- Position the ray sensor based on the specification. also rotate
it by 90 degree around the X-axis so that the horizontal rays become vertical-->
<pose>0 0 -0.004645 1.5707 0 0</pose>
<!-- Enable visualization to see the rays in the GUI -->
<!-- Set the update rate of the sensor -->
<!-- The scan element contains the horizontal and vertical beams.
We are leaving out the vertical beams for now -->
<!-- The horizontal beams -->
<!-- The velodyne puck has 16 beams(samples)-->
<!-- Resolution is multiplied by samples to determine number of
simulated beams vs interpolated beams -->
<!-- Min angle in radians -->
<!-- Max angle in radians -->
<!-- Range definee characteristics of an individual beam -->
<!-- Minimum distance of the beam -->
<!-- Maximum distance of the beam -->
<!-- Linear resolution of the beam -->
<!-- Diminuisco la z e lo scan si abbassa -->
<pose>0 0 0.036 0 0 0</pose>
<collision name="laser_collision">
<!-- Radius and length provided by Velodyne -->
<!-- The visual is mostly a copy of the collision -->
<visual name="laser_visual">
<!-- Each joint must have a unique name -->
<joint type="revolute" name="base_joint">
<!-- Position the joint at the bottom of the top link -->
<pose>0 0 0.0004 0 0 0</pose>
<!-- Use the base link as the parent of the joint -->
<!-- Use the top link as the child of the joint -->
<!-- The axis defines the joint's degree of freedom -->
<!-- Revolve around the z-axis -->
<xyz>0 0 1</xyz>
<!-- Limit refers to the range of motion of the joint -->
<!-- Use a very large number to indicate a continuous revolution -->
<!-- Each joint must have a unique name -->
<joint type="revolute" name="top_joint">
<!-- Position the joint at the bottom of the top link -->
<pose>0 0 -0.0004 0 0 0</pose>
<!-- 0 0 0.0084 0 0 0-->
<!-- Use the base link as the parent of the joint -->
<!-- Use the top link as the child of the joint -->
<!-- The axis defines the joint's degree of freedom -->
<!-- Revolve around the z-axis -->
<xyz>0 0 1</xyz>
<!-- Limit refers to the range of motion of the joint -->
<!-- Use a very large number to indicate a continuous revolution -->
Thanks for shedding light on this problem.
Asked by RayGz on 2019-12-30 11:45:06 UTC