Unable to launch gazebo Cannot mix incompatible Qt library
I got a problem when launch gazebo empty_world by using this command
roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch
Got an error
[gazebo_gui-3] process has died [pid 9940, exit code 134, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzclient __name:=gazebo_gui __log:=/home/eko_rudiawan/.ros/log/8d0c817e-375c-11ea-9da8-94b86d292534/gazebo_gui-3.log].
log file: /home/eko_rudiawan/.ros/log/8d0c817e-375c-11ea-9da8-94b86d292534/gazebo_gui-3*.log
But running gazebo using start menu is normal. Try run from terminal with command
gazebo --verbose
Got an error message
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Waiting for master.
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Msg] Connected to gazebo master @
[Msg] Publicized address:
[Err] [GuiIface.cc:124] Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50905) with this library (version 0x50c05)
The problem looks like incompatible with QT library I usually run ROS with Conda environment, and check the version with qmake --version
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.9.7 in /home/eko_rudiawan/anaconda3/envs/ros_env/lib
Is there any solution to solve this problem?? I used ROS Melodic in Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia with Gazebo 9 installed
Interesting. Not sure what mechanism is using the loader to complain about Qt versions but seems like a mix of qt 5.9.5 and 5.12.5 (if I'm not wrong with hex). Which qt version do you have in Mint? Where does gazebo come from (Conda?, Mint?)?
I checked with installed QT version with
It is listed qt 5.9.5, I use Linux mint 19.3 and gazebo is installed with ROS
The version is conda https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/qt seems to be 5.12.5, which are the versions displayed by the error command. My hypothesis is that there is a conflict somehow between them, although I have no idea how can you solve it.