What are the P/I/D parameters that are declared in the config.yaml file?
I am working to develop my own vehicle model in Gazebo. I am using ROS-Kinetic on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine with Gazebo 7
Problem 1: I made a YAML file strictly according to this (http://gazebosim.org/tutorials/?tut=ros_control#Createaros_controlspackage) tutorial. I declare these parameters in a particular namespace. After the roslaunch, the rosparam server initially is able to find these parameters but then later throws an error of missing p/i/d values (as discussed in https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot/issues/397) in a certain namespace. None of the solutions work for me. When I force these values in that particular namespace, the roslaunch process completes without any error but my vehicle does not fly.
Problem 2: Can you please explain what these p/i/d parameters in yaml file are meant for? How to obtain these values for my specific design. Right now, I am working with random values that I found in other packages (hector_quadrotor/rrbot).
Asked by disip.chaturvedi on 2020-03-04 08:20:05 UTC