Error installing Gazebo on Windows following the tutorial
Hi everybody, I am trying to follow the tutorial to install Gazebo 11 on Windows 10 build 1903.
First and formost some dependency links are broken. However I figured out how to find those files on the Internet: they are protobuf 3.4.1
and zlib
Morever, I experienced several errors in step 8. When executing configure.bat
I got the error reported below.In particular, the system isn't able to find the labels :download_unzip_install
and :install_ign_project ign-cmake
, referred in the batch extract:
:: Install dependencies
call %win_lib% :download_unzip_install
call %win_lib% :install_ign_project ign-cmake ign-cmake2
on my PC is empty.
Please, can somebody help me? Thanks in advance.
Details of the command execution:
C:\Users\Asus\gz-ws\ign-math>configure Debug
C:\Users\Asus\gz-ws\ign-math>call :download_unzip_install
Impossibile trovare l'etichetta batch specificata - download_unzip_install
C:\Users\Asus\gz-ws\ign-math>call :install_ign_project ign-cmake ign-cmake2
Impossibile trovare l'etichetta batch specificata - install_ign_project
Asked by Simone on 2020-03-08 13:31:13 UTC
You can simply delete those lines in the configure.bat
- that call is downloading and unzipping the files in that directory. If you have already found, downloaded, and unzipped the files (and properly installed protobuf), then you're good to go.
If when you try to compile any other packages, they don't find the dependencies, you can add their path locations in the configure.bat
files by adding them to the cmake
line here: -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:/gz-ws/protobuf-3.4.1-vs19"
, along with anything else it can't find.
Asked by wampus on 2020-12-04 08:57:05 UTC
Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately, I am no longer using Window to run Gazebo, so I cannot try to do what you suggest. Therefore, I encourage other people using Gazebo on Windows to let us know if the solution you proposed works!
Asked by Simone on 2020-12-18 16:28:33 UTC
got the same error here
Asked by shadowzone22 on 2020-06-13 15:55:29 UTC
There is an ongoing effort of improving the methods of installing Gazebo on Windows. Please check and linked issues, hope it can help you or at least give you some alternatives.
Asked by Jose Luis Rivero on 2020-12-11 14:24:26 UTC