Sensor plugin: how to access parent link velocity?
I am writing a sensor plugin and I need to access the sensor relative linear velocity and sensor relative angular velocity.
I cannot find how to do it in the documentation, how can I do it?
Asked by jlecoeur on 2020-03-27 12:51:22 UTC
Ok I found it.
For those interested, here it is:
void MyPlugin::Load(sensors::SensorPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
// Get the parent sensor
sensor_ = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sensors::MySensor>(_parent);
if (!sensor_) {
gzthrow("[MyPlugin] Sensor error");
// Get world
world_ = physics::get_world(sensor_->WorldName());
if (!world_) {
gzthrow("[MyPlugin] World error");
// Get parent link
link_ = world_->EntityByName(sensor_->ParentName());
if (!link_) {
gzthrow("[MyPlugin] Link error");
and then
ignition::math::Vector3d sensor_velocity = link_->RelativeLinearVel()
Asked by jlecoeur on 2020-03-28 04:16:01 UTC