Can't import GeoTIFF Digital Elevation Model (DEM) file as Heightmap
I've followed these two tutorials to import heightmaps into Gazebo (9.12.0):
I am able to complete the tutorials, but when I try to use my own .tif files instead of a .png or .dem file to create my own heightmap I either get no response from Gazebo or a crash with the following error:
gzclient: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:734: typename boost::detail::sp_member_access<T>::type boost::shared_ptr<T>::operator->() const [with T = gazebo::msgs::Response; typename boost::detail::sp_member_access<T>::type = gazebo::msgs::Response*]: Assertion 'px != 0' failed.
Asked by fergusonian on 2020-03-28 20:54:19 UTC
Can you run gdalinfo on your file, and post the output? It might tell you something about the difference between the files.
Asked by LakeWorthB on 2020-03-30 04:59:29 UTC