Plugins in Gazebo 9 - ROS Melodic
I am having trouble using plugins in Gazebo 9.0.0, that came pre-installed with ROS. The specific plugin I'm trying to make work is the Actor Collions plugin (Found here)
I have tried downloading the plugin files, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the collision of the actor at all.
Is this due to Gazebo not being a source installation, or something else entirely?
Thanks in advance!
I followed the install tutorial here, to install Gazebo 9.13.
I then downloaded the example files from the OSRF bitckbucket using the 9.13 tag. I put the actor_collisions example folder in a workspace by itself and tried running "gazebo" from the terminal.
I have tried both with and without using catkin_make to build my workspace first. The result is the actor walking around among the objects, but there's still no collision.