DRCsim Atlas robot inverse kinematics
Dear all,
I am developing a simple application using DRCsim 2.3 (DARPA Robotics Challenge Simulator) and Gazebo 1.6 .
By now, in a simple application, I am trying to control only the robotic arms of ATLAS. I want to place the robotic arms end links (lhand and rhand) in specific given poses of the workspace.
How can I do that using DRCsim and Gazebo + ROS? I have read some suggestions related to the determination of inverse kinematics in other applications (PR2, etc) that have used the package http://www.ros.org/wiki/arm_kinematics
Should I follow the same approach for Atlas robot? Or DRCsim integrates better (performance, accuracy) nativeinterfaces to control the ATLAS robot in Cartesian space? What are them?
Thanks for your attention and answers
Regards, Ricardo
Hi, were able to get the arm_kinematics package working for the finding the inverse kinematics of the Atlas arm??? I've been trying to do it myself for about a week now but without any luck?? If you were able to get it working could you please give me the steps on how you approached it. I am using ROS fuerte, Gazebo 1.8.2 for this.