gazebo standalone ROS plugin crashes
Hello all,
I am using gazebo 1.7.1 standalone with Ros-Groovy and I want to write a plugin that works with ROS.
Actually, I wanted to recreate the plugin found @ simulator_gazebo/gazebo_plugins/src/gazebo_ros_p3d.cpp and I followed the tutorial at even though it states "This tutorial may not work with Gazebo Quantal and Ros-Groovy"
When my model (with the plugin) is inserted, standalone gazebo crashes with gazebo: symbol lookup error: ../my_gazebo_plugins/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN2tf7resolveERKSsS. (gdb gazebo is not working)
According to the tutorial, I have created rospack.cmake, CMakeLists.txt, and GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH is appended. My manifest.xml includes only <depend package="roscpp"/> Also I am still using the rosbuild not catkin.
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance