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Frame for contact forces


The documentation for a gazebo::physics::contact says:

"All forces and torques are in the world frame. All forces and torques are relative to the center of mass of the respective links that the collision elments are attached to."

Does this mean that the forces and torques are at the world frame origin or at a frame that's got its position origin at the CoM of the link but has the rotation of the world? Is it truly the CoM of the link and not the link origin?


Asked by Jenny B on 2020-06-11 10:37:06 UTC


Further experimentation indicates that the orientation is not the world orientation but probably the link orientation contrary to the documentation.

Asked by Jenny B on 2020-06-12 14:26:24 UTC

I don't know for the forces as I don't use it, but I can confirm that the contact normal and contact position are in world frame.

Asked by Clément Rolinat on 2020-06-16 09:45:39 UTC
