throws undefined symbol error [ndefined symbol: _ZN6gazebo16FlashLightPlugin4LoadEN5boost10shared_ptrINS_7physics5ModelEEESt10shared_ptrIN3sdf7ElementEE]
Hello Community, Im trying to use the libLedPlugin in an simulation for an underwater docking scenario using the uuv simulator. After running into this Plugin in the gazebo tutorials i searched it on my local system but could find it on my local system. There was no or .hh/.cc file on my system. Same with FlashLightPlugin. I indeed have several working plugins installed, BlinkVisualPlugin for example.
I couldnt find the olugins anywhere so I decided to compile them myself with the code from ( and by following this tutorial (
Which worked great for the FashLightPlugin for example, but even though is also compiled, it throws following error when starting a simulation using the plugin: [Err] [Plugin.hh:180] Failed to load plugin /home/lukas/catkin_ws/src/gazebo_models/deepleng/plugins/ /home/lukas/catkin_ws/src/gazebo_models/deepleng/plugins/ undefined symbol: _ZN6gazebo16FlashLightPlugin4LoadEN5boost10shared_ptrINS_7physics5ModelEEESt10shared_ptrIN3sdf7ElementEE
Im using ubuntu 18.04, ros melodic and gazebo 9. gazebo 9 was installed with ros automatically i think. When compiling the code i always used the gazebo9 branch from the repository.
I would be very thankful if someone could tell me how to get the plugin working in some way! Thanks in advance!
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.6"> <world name="default"> <physics name="default_physics" default="true" type="ode"> <max_step_size>0.01</max_step_size> <real_time_factor>1</real_time_factor> <real_time_update_rate>100</real_time_update_rate> <ode> <solver> <type>quick</type> <iters>50</iters> <sor>1.2</sor> </solver> </ode> </physics> <scene> <ambient>0.01 0.01 0.01 1.0</ambient> <sky> <clouds> <speed>12</speed> </clouds> </sky> <shadows>1</shadows> </scene>
Origin close to the Trondheim Biological Station, in Trondheim, Norway
<!-- Global light source -->
<light type="directional" name="sun1">
<pose>50 0 150 0 0 0</pose>
<diffuse>1 1 1 1</diffuse>
<specular>.1 .1 .1 1</specular>
<direction>0.3 0.3 -1</direction>
<!-- Global light source -->
<light type="directional" name="sun_diffuse">
<pose>-50 0 -150 0 0 0</pose>
<diffuse>0.6 0.6 0.6 1</diffuse>
<specular>0 0 0 1</specular>
<direction>-0.3 -0.3 -1</direction>
<model name="markergreen">
<pose>1 1 -9 0 0 0</pose>
<link name="marker">
<visual name="led">
<size>1 1 1</size>
<emissive>0 1 0 1</emissive>
<specular>0 1 0 1</specular>
<diffuse>0 1 0 1</diffuse>
<plugin name="blink" filename="">
<!-- First RGBA color, each number from 0 to 1. Defaults to red. -->
<color_a>0 1 0 1</color_a>
<!-- Second RGBA color. Defaults to black. -->
<color_b>0 1 0 1</color_b>
<!-- Period in seconds. Defaults to 1 s. -->
<!-- True to use wall time, false to use sim time.
Defaults to false. -->
<use_wall_time>false</use_wall_time ...