What is the best way to simulate a single point spinning range finder sensor?
Hi Experts,
I am currently trying to implement a single point range finder over a spinning base. Here is my current needs: - update rate of 60Hz or less. - single point spinning (sonar or laser, doesn't matter at first)
I can: 1. create a spinning sensor with a single point both with controller manager or custom gazebo plugin. 2. control the angular rotation speed, accurately. 3. generate and read points (even though I am limited to <30Hz no matter what I do)
Still, no matter what I do I keep stuck at 30Hz: a. Tried Gazebo 7 and 9... no success b. Slowing down the simulation seems to have no effect at the 30Hz update rate, and it would suck to make it run at a ratio of full speed. c. gpu_ray is not supported for what I am doing for some reason, even though I am not sure the frame rate would rise for single point. Moreover, it seems to be impossible to make it work anyways (currently using NVidia Geforce GTX1060 -- app hangs).
Is there any way I can increase the number of points per second? Should I use a different setup?
For those that will ask for it, here is my xacro/gazebo stuff...
<!-- Macro description for the 881L sonar -->
<xacro:macro name="spinning_profiling_sonar_881L" params="namespace parent_link update_rate range_max angular_speed *origin">
<xacro:insert_block name="origin" />
<xacro:macro name="mech_sonar"
params="namespace suffix parent_link topic update_rate samples range_min range_max angular_speed range_stddev
<!-- Sensor link -->
<!-- Give the base link a unique name -->
<link name="${namespace}/${suffix}_root_link">
<xacro:insert_block name="origin" />
<!-- Using Cylinder inertia equation from
We are leaving 200g for the motor rotation part-->
<mass value="1.3"/>
<inertia ixx="0.0055276258" iyy="0.0055276258" izz="0.0011820675" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyz="0" />
<visual name="base_visual">
<mesh filename="package://vita_sensors/models/881L/meshes/881L.dae" />
<link name="${namespace}/${suffix}_top_link">
<!-- Give the base link a unique name -->
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 ${pi} ${pi}"/>
<mass value="0.2" />
<inertia ixx="0.000090623" iyy="0.000090623" izz="0.000091036" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyz="0" />
<cylinder length="${0.000001}" radius="${0.000001}" />
<joint name="${namespace}/${suffix}_fixed_joint" type="fixed">
<xacro:insert_block name="origin" />
<parent link="${parent_link}" />
<child link="${namespace}/${suffix}_root_link" />
<!-- Each joint must have a unique name -->
<joint type="revolute" name="${namespace}/${suffix}_sensor_joint">
<!-- Position the joint at the bottom of the top link -->
<origin xyz="0 0 0.086" rpy="0 0 0" />
<!-- Use the base link as the parent of the joint -->
<parent link="${namespace}/${suffix}_root_link" />
<!-- Use the top link as the child of the joint -->
<child link="${namespace}/${suffix}_top_link"/>
<!-- The axis defines the joint's degree of freedom -->
<limit upper="10000000000000000" lower="-10000000000000000" effort="0.1" velocity="10" />
<axis xyz="0 0 1"/>
<gazebo reference="${namespace}/${suffix}_top_link">
<!-- Add a ray sensor, and give it a name -->
<sensor type="ray" name="sonar_${suffix}">
<!-- Position the ray sensor based on the specification. Also rotate
it by 90 degrees around the z-axis so that the <horizontal> rays
become vertical and point to x (which is rotating) -->
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<!-- Enable visualization to see the rays in the GUI -->
<!-- Set the update period of the sensor
(0.3deg) (0.6deg) (0.9deg) (1.2deg) (2.4deg)
20m 38.4 19.2 13.6 10.8 6.9
10m 21.6s 10.8s 8.0s 6.6s 4.8s
5m 14.4s 7.2s - - -
Rays 360/0.3 360/0.6 360/0.9 360/1.2 360/2.4
1200 600 400 300 150 leituras
Update rate for each point reading
(0.3deg) (0.6deg) (0.9deg) (1.2deg) (2.4deg)
10m 55.5556Hz 55.56Hz 50.0Hz 45.4545Hz 31.2500Hz
<!-- Use gaussian noise -->
<!-- Range defines characteristics of an individual beam -->
<!-- Minimum distance of the 881L beam -->
<!-- Maximum distance of the 881L beam: it depends on the operating range -->
<!-- Linear resolution of the beam -->
<plugin name="${suffix}sonar_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_laser.so">
<transmission name="tran1">
<joint name="${namespace}/${suffix}_sensor_joint">
<actuator name="motor1">
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_control" filename="libgazebo_ros_control.so">
<plugin name="ps881L_control" filename="libpsonar_881L_plugin.so">
Asked by Vitor AMJ on 2020-07-13 20:22:44 UTC