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How makes laser line visible on camera sensor


I am trying to develop a laser sensor to project a line over a object surface and visualize this line projected over a camera sensor, unfortunately I do not found much about this on internet.

I found this question from 2015 asking basically the same, but when I try to reproduce the answer it doesn't work and do not give me back any ERROR LOG.

Does anyone already made something similar?

Thanks for your time.

Asked by dregner on 2020-08-13 14:04:57 UTC



You can define a visual plugin for this.:

Asked by Jaeyoung-Lim on 2020-08-19 06:35:25 UTC


I found a way to work it.

I am using a gazebo sensor called projection as code present below but when you call the texture you must add it to gazebo root files. As I am using Gazebo 7 I create a texture and move it to folder /usr/share/gazebo-7/media/materials/textures and it works as it should.

I am able to project a texture over objects surfaces and being able to see this texture projected at camera sensor.

    <gazebo reference="projector_sensor_link">
        <!--sensor type="projector" name="projector_tester"-->
        <projector name="projector_test">
            <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>

Asked by dregner on 2020-08-19 12:17:45 UTC
