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Models moving slow, on good machine.

I have a plugin that is moving some models at 10Hz, but in the visualation it is very jerky, sometimes not moving for a second or 2. The FPS shows from 30-60fps, and if I plot the position from the GUI, I do see the positions changing at 10Hz. Also I have a good machine with 1080TI and lots of RAM. What can I try?

Asked by LakeWorthB on 2020-08-14 07:51:15 UTC


What is the real-time factor during the simulation?

Asked by nlamprian on 2020-08-14 18:55:52 UTC


So I was able to get things working slowly, by changing the model definitions. More specifically removing the collision data, and the gravity. Not sure which one it was, but didn't need either. It is running smooth now.

Asked by LakeWorthB on 2020-08-17 13:18:31 UTC
