Gazebo crash when gazebo plugin is added to panda simulation
I am running the panda_simulation and I tried to add a plugin inside the panda.gazebo.xacro using and . However, every time I try to run it, it will generate the following error: [gazebo-2] process has died [pid 3515, exit code 139, cmd /home/jason4/catkinws/src/gazeborospkgs/gazeboros/scripts/gzserver -e ode worlds/ _name:=gazebo _log:=/home/jason4/.ros/log/b868d85c-f63f-11ea-b153-080027b07338/gazebo-2.log].
No log file in that name (gazebo-2.log) is generated.
Asked by Alt0216 on 2020-09-13 23:13:24 UTC