ROS Controlled Linear Actuator (Prismatic Joint) Moving Dependent Joints
I'm fairly new to ROS and Gazebo, i'm currently trying to make a custom ROS robot and simulate it in Gazebo.
Is it possible to have a prismatic joint (linear actuator) move other dependent joints?
For example in the picture. I'd like to replace (a) with a linear actuator moving the other links/joints pivoting around points (b) and (c).
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you!
Asked by chenga on 2020-09-24 05:52:46 UTC
SDF supports closed kinematics structures but URDF (ROS) not, so to answer your question:
Is it possible to have a prismatic joint (linear actuator) move other dependent joints?
Yes, it is possible but to integrate URDF's you will need a workaround as there is no direct solution.
Refer to these posts:
Asked by Roberto Z. on 2020-09-24 08:41:17 UTC