How to load a texture image of projector plugin
Hello, gazebo answer.
I have been developing a robot with a projector. So I am using a projector simulation in GAZEBO. But I have a problem that it doesn’t work textureTopicNames.
I tried to change the texture image with the following command.
$ rostopic pub /ubiquitous_display/texture std_ms/String "data: 'pop_gazebo.png'"
However, the projected image by the projector does not change from the initially set “test.png”.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
<gazebo reference="projector_gazebo_optical_frame">
<projector name="ud_projector">
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<plugin filename="" name="projector">
using GAZEBO-9 + melodic Thank you!