Real time factor differs between tow machines of same OS / build
Running into a strange issue where me and a colleagues real time factor in Gazebo11 differ (His is at 1.0, where as mine is at 0.3). It is also interesting to note that my FPS is a lot larger than his. ( His: RTF = HIGH, FPS = LOW), (Mine: RTF= LOW, FPS=HIGH).
We are running the same hardware configuration (i7 and NVIDIA2070), and both on Gazebo 11.1, ROS noetic.
I have already tried to reinstall Gazebo, and recreate the issue on a clean live-disk OS. We have also confirmed we are running the same model and world.
What configuration variables can we compare to increase my real time factor?
Thank you in advance.
Asked by vinnyruia on 2020-11-13 17:24:39 UTC
The few things I can think of off the top of my head is to ensure that you are both running the same physics engine within Gazebo, I could see Dart vs. Bullet making that difference. Additional background processes may also be slowing the RTF, although I wouldn't expect a 70% drop to come from that.
Asked by JShep1 on 2020-12-18 14:49:39 UTC