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Ray Sensor sometimes returns random values.


I am having trouble with getting consistent and deterministic sensor data.

I have been slowly troubleshooting this issue by trying different scenarios and setups such as changing physics solver type, gazebo seed, sensor noise and resolution settings and even different gazebo versions.

If I manually change robot's coordinates, sometimes sensor data has a slight difference at the same coordinates which leads to bigger difference when robot is controlled by acquired sensor data. I wrote a plugin that steps paused simulation when sensor data reads new value. I also tried to I tried to read sensor data on command by gazebo::sensors::run_once(true); function. Still no luck.

I was wondering if you have any suggestions or insight into why this might be happening. Or if there is a way to fix this, be it from your side, or our side.

Best regards, Ekin

Asked by EkinBasar on 2020-11-17 10:24:16 UTC



I believe the phenomenon you're alluding to is sensor noise. The nature of sensor noise is that it is non-deterministic, and Gazebo aims to provide a simulation accurate to the real world which also returns non-deterministic sensor values.

You will likely need to run some sort of filter on your sensor data.

Asked by JShep1 on 2020-12-18 14:11:28 UTC
