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Why does accessing ModelPtr from WorldPtr cause VM to crash with modified gazebo_ray_sensor_plugin?

Hi All, I have made some modifications to gazeboraysensorplugin.cpp in ROS2 Foxy and I’m looking for some debugging help. The modifications work perfectly fine on my native Ubuntu 20.04 desktop, but crashes on a VirtualBox Ubuntu 20.04 VM I have on a Windows 10 machine. If I comment out the line in the code below where the ModelPtr is being assigned to model, everything works great on the VM setup, no errors or crashes. However, I need the model pointer so that I can access a link's velocity. Any ideas why that line causes Gazebo to choke up and cause my VM to run out of memory?

void GazeboRosRaySensorPrivate::PublishPointCloud2(ConstLaserScanStampedPtr & msg)
  ignition::math::Vector3d vlinkrelworldinlink {0,0,0};
  if (calcvelflag) {
    // Get Model and Link
    if(init) {
      model_ = world->ModelByName(modelname);
      //link = model->GetLink(framename);
      init = false;
    // Get Link Relative Linear Velocity
    //vlinkrelworldinlink = link->RelativeLinearVel();
  // Convert Laser scan to PointCloud2
  auto pc2 = gazeboros::Convert<sensormsgs::msg::PointCloud2>(*msg, minintensity, 
                                             calcvelflag, vlinkrelworldinlink);
  // Set tf frame
  pc2.header.frameid = framename;
  // Publish output

The unmodified version of gazeboraysensorplugin.cpp can be found here:

Go easy on me, I'm new to Gazebo and C++ in general.

Asked by tomcat327 on 2021-01-14 18:35:15 UTC

