Flickering Depth Camera image inside Gazebo Topic Visualization
I experienced a strange flickering when I simulated a depth camera in Gazebo. I tried both Openni Kinect and libDepthCamera. Both of them are having the same Error.
The camera is placed on top of a unit box. The second one is the desired picture and I have no clue why this is happening
Thanks for your help! Update: Used Files World File C:\fakepath\myrobot.world
Gazebo File C:\fakepath\myrobot_gazebo.sdf
Xacro File C:\fakepath\myrobot_xacro.sdf
Asked by morrac on 2021-01-27 09:05:16 UTC
Can you post your world file, the command you used to run Gazebo, and your version of Gazebo?
Asked by nkoenig on 2021-01-27 09:08:54 UTC
I've uploaded the world-File :)
I am using Gazebo 11.1.0.
I use roslaunch myrobot_gazebo myrobot.launch to run Gazebo
Asked by morrac on 2021-01-28 12:32:29 UTC
I think your camera sensor specification must be in your
. I don't see a camera sensor in your world file.Asked by nkoenig on 2021-01-28 14:17:09 UTC
I updloaded the gazebo and xacro files where I specified the use of the camera :)
Asked by morrac on 2021-01-29 03:41:22 UTC