How to use simulation time between ROS2 and Ignition gazebo
I learned that there is a system plugin called gazeborosinit on ROS2 (when using gazebo)
gazeborosinit plugin publishes the current time of the Gazebo simulation to the /clock topic,
and the ros2 node should have the usesimtime parameter set on it.
but I don't know how to do the same thing when using ros2 and Ignition Gazebo.
Is there a plugin like gazeborosinit on Ignition gazebo or ROS2?
when I run the simulator these is a /clock topic. $ ign gazebo ooo.sdf
so I tried Integrate ROS2 with Ignition
$ ros2 run ros_ign_bridge parameter_bridge /clock@rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock@ignition.msgs.Clock
and I set usesimtime parameter for true on ros2 node
$ ros2 param set /node_name use_sim_time true
However I can't seem to do it well.
If you have any Information of Integrate the time between ros2 and ignition gazebo, please let me know.
Thank you.
Asked by ksk on 2021-02-19 19:43:08 UTC
Is there a plugin like gazebo_ros_init on Ignition gazebo or ROS2?
No, there isn't a plugin. Using the bridge like you did is the correct thing.
However I can't seem to do it well.
What's happening that isn't working for you? Can you echo the /clock
topic on the ROS 2 side?
Another thing you can try is launching the bridge on a launch file:
bridge = Node(
Asked by chapulina on 2021-02-23 20:47:50 UTC