ign gazebo collada meshes issue
I'm trying to spawn a model with dae texture files and they don't load correctly in the GzScene3D. If you look the camera plugin, the texture was loaded well, but in the scene it is a mess. I tried to use models from fuel, but all that have dae texture cause the same problem.
I'm using Ignition Citadel.
Any pointers where to find a solution are highly appreciated.
tweaking some parameters in the Colladaloader file may help, not sure though.
I don't know how I can change that parameters. I tried different versions and different computers and got the same issue.
Trying on different machines won't necessarily solve the issue when there's a problem with the .dae file. What I am trying to say is that try scaling your file in the blender or any other app.
Right, but I did not use the same mesh in the tests. I tried different models from fuel (models that was demonstrated in the tutorials). I tested with many models from fuel and all that use collada meshes have the same issue. This is not related with my collada mesh.
Did you solve the problem? I think that I have the same problem, if I see in ogre2.og say and error about textures