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Robot moving at slower velocity in Gazebo (gazebo output velocity is half of cmd_vel)

Dear all C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2021-04-05 18-18-54.png I am simulating a mobile manipulator (warthog UGV and UR10e) in Gazebo 9.16.0 and ROS melodic. For the robot base, I am using diffdrivecontroller and for the arm I am using Effortcontroller. I have modified a little bit in the URDF of warthog UGV. I have added dynamics damping and friction value in urdf to restrict the free fall of arm and chassis. Using the cmdvel topic, I am providing 2m/s linear velocity in x direction. But, robot is moving slowly, at half of the input speed in Gazebo. I have tried changing and deleting the mu1, mu2, kp, kd and fdir1 values and also manually setting the PID values <> Please help me, I cant find the problem.

edit 1: I have tried the simulation without loading the arm controller and robot velocity is working as expected. I have no idea what is wrong with the effort controller, no warning or error. Previously, I tried Position controller but it didn't work.

Asked by mifta92 on 2021-04-05 16:01:11 UTC


See if increasing the wheelTorque parameter in the diff drive controller configuration fixes your problem.

Asked by nlamprian on 2021-04-06 05:00:58 UTC

thanks, I tired. But problem still exists. tried with very high wheel torque value (1000). If I run the simulation without arm controller then it is working fine. But I need the arm controller for manipulation.

Asked by mifta92 on 2021-04-06 15:09:26 UTC

Try changing the controller type and see if it makes any difference. Then I would also look into the inertias of the links.

Asked by nlamprian on 2021-04-12 05:27:15 UTC

Initially I was using velocity controller for both arm and robot base. Now, I am using velocity controller for robot base and position controller for robotic arm. I have also tried changing the inertias. I am still facing the problem. It is very difficult to tune the inertial values manually.

Asked by mifta92 on 2021-04-19 12:08:28 UTC
