How to remove a model which has been inserted in a Ros-enabled plugin??
I have a difficulty to remove a model during the simulation time. I have inserted this light point using InsertModelSDF() method in a callback function that is run every time data is published to ros topic.
To be clear more , the below code is the callback function:
void ROSCallbackVel(const geometrymsgs::Twist::ConstPtr& msg)
this->simtime = common::Time(0.90);
if ( this->model2_ ->GetWorld()->GetSimTime() > this->simtime )
sdf::SDF sphereSDF;
"<sdf version ='1.4'>\
<light type='Point' name='bulb100'>\
<pose>-2.0 -0.994333 0.8 0 0 0</pose>\
<diffuse>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</diffuse>\
<specular>.4 .4 .4 0</specular>\
<direction>0.0 0.7 0.0</direction>\
this->model2_ ->GetWorld()->InsertModelSDF(sphereSDF); }
ROS_INFO("subscriber two velocities: [%f %f %f %f %f %f ]", msg->linear.x,msg->linear.y,msg->linear.z, msg->angular.x,msg->angular.y, msg->angular.z);
Vlinx=msg->linear.x; Vliny=msg->linear.y; Vlinz=msg->linear.z;
Vangx=msg->angular.x; Vangy=msg->angular.y; Vangz=msg->angular.z;
this->model_->SetLinearVel(math::Vector3( Vlinx, Vliny, Vlinz));
this->model_->SetAngularVel(math::Vector3(Vangx, Vangy, Vangz));
my question is:
Is there a way to remove this light point using gazebo functions or maybe other ways to do that? Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated!