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error: ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

asked 2021-04-07 09:46:56 -0500

This is my code for the Adaptive Monte Carlo localization(AMCL) algorithm, a plugin using for ign gazebo(citadel) and ROS(melodic).

void amcl::Configure(const Entity &_entity, const std::shared_ptr<const sdf::element=""> &_sdf, EntityComponentManager &_ecm, EventManager &_eventMgr)

{ this->dataPtr->model = Model(_entity); if (!this->dataPtr->model.Valid(_ecm)) {

ignerr << "amcl plugin should be attached to a model entity. "
       << "Failed to initialize." << std::endl;

// Obtain parameters from xacro file

    rate_ = _sdf->GetElement("topicRate")->Get<double>(); #############ERROR IN THIS LINE 

  rate_ = 10.0;


    fixed_frame_ = _sdf->GetElement("fixedFrame")->Get<std::string>(); ########ERROR IN THIS LINE 

    fixed_frame_ = "map";


    robot_frame_ = _sdf->GetElement("robotFrame")->Get<std::string>(); #####ERROR IN THIS LINE

    robot_frame_ = "base_link";

Error (as shown in the terminal)

error: passing ‘std::__shared_ptr_access<const sdf::v9::element,="" (__gnu_cxx::lock_policy)2,="" false,="" false="">::element_type’ {aka ‘const sdf::v9::Element’} as ‘this’ argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive] rate = _sdf->GetElement("topicRate")->Get();

I have marked the lines in the code which throw this error.

Complete code can be found here with the header file (Amcl.hh)

Can anybody suggest a solution?

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1 Answer

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answered 2021-04-07 11:20:45 -0500

I am answering my own question To understand the proposed changes, one should have some familiarity with concepts related to ignition gazebo

change Line 95, 107, 118 with the following lines

auto rate_ = _sdf->Get<double>("topicRate"); //line 95

auto fixed_frame_ = _sdf->Get<std::string>("fixedFrame"); //107

auto robot_frame_ = _sdf->Get<std::string>("robotFrame"); //118
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Asked: 2021-04-07 09:46:56 -0500

Seen: 351 times

Last updated: Apr 07 '21