Can the Gazebo Docker be used to load the UI
I'm trying to visualize gazebo without needing to install it. Is it possible to run the GUI from a Gazebo docker or do I have to get a full ROS docker
Asked by cjds on 2021-04-08 08:44:55 UTC
Should be possible indeed. There are some tweaks that needs to happen for that but no ROS should be required to display Gazebo which is an standalone application. All the information can be found in the Gazebo docker hub page.
Asked by Jose Luis Rivero on 2021-04-20 11:57:07 UTC
Yes, its possible, but if you're running it under windows you need to use a xserver because the gzclient uses xWindow for the UI which can't be visualized in windows by default.
Asked by MKL105 on 2021-04-23 03:47:21 UTC