Failed to build tree: parent link not found
Hei Everybody, i am new to gazebo and I am having difficulties with the auto-generated urdf files from moveit.
All files can be found in this repository:
I think I know why i get my error but i dont know how to fix it. So within the file 'ur5_robotiq_gripper.urdf.xacro' is a joint called 'robotic_coupler_joint'. This joint's parent link is tool0 from the file 'ur5.urdf.xacro'. As far as I understand it, the file is included with '<xacro:include filename="$(find robotiq_description)/urdf/robotiq_85_gripper.urdf.xacro"/>' Becasue within this file ' <xacro:include filename="$(find ur5_description)/urdf/ur5.urdf.xacro"/>' This is included.
I will add a screenshot of the Terminal error aswell.
I hope someone can help me,
Thanks already ! C:\fakepath\Screenshot from 2021-06-28 11-30-34.png