robot teleporting to origin with broken joints
Hi all,
From time to time, all the links of my robot teleport to the origin... I have seen the following issue on GitHub, but I don't know if it is related :
On my robot, I am not using revolute2 joints. And the issue only occurs when the car is turning and driving at 3 m/s. It also happens when I tune the PIDs of the wheels. What am I doing wrong ? I am using Gazebo 9.0 with ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04.
The code: urdf, and control is available here:
To reproduce the issue:
roslaunch racecardescription racecarempty.launch
roslaunch racecarcontrol spawnracecarwithcontroller.launch namespace:=racecar
rosrun rqtgui rqtgui
In the rqtgui add a publisher plugin: using the upper navigation tabs open the plugins tab, and open the publisher plugin. Then add /racecar/cmddrive topic, have it publishing at 20Hz. In the drive set the velocity to 1 and put a in the steering_angle: sin(i/10)
Asked by on 2021-08-04 07:38:10 UTC
I guess the problem came from the type of joint Controllers that were used in the package I started from :
In this package, they used the following :
<transmission name="${name}_transmission" type="SimpleTransmission">
<joint name="${name}_joint">
<actuator name="${name}_motor">
These joints created some violent peaks inside the internal PIDs of rosControl I tried to tune them without success:
Internal PID command in red. (Or I assume it is that, the commands that I send are bounded by [pi/2 -pi/2].)
When I switched from the EffortJointInterface to a PositionJointInterface these peaks disappeared and the car stopped breaking:
<transmission name="${namespace}${hinge_prefix}_hinge_trans" type="SimpleTransmission">
<actuator name="${namespace}${hinge_prefix}_hinge_motor">
<joint name="${namespace}${hinge_prefix}_hinge">
Asked by on 2021-08-10 03:52:44 UTC
Is there a chance you're sending
values by accident?Asked by azeey on 2021-08-05 12:18:57 UTC
As far as I am aware I do not. I checked the messages sent by ROS.
Asked by on 2021-08-06 08:25:14 UTC
I couldn't replicate the problem locally. Can you provide the steps I'd follow to do to see the issue?
Asked by azeey on 2021-08-06 15:24:37 UTC
roslaunch racecar_description racecar_empty.launch roslaunch racecar_control spawn_racecar_with_controller.launch namespace:=racecar rostopic pub -r 50 /racecar/cmd_drive "use auto complete" and set the "speed" to 5 or 10 and the "steering angle" to 0.5 or 1.0. It should break.
Asked by on 2021-08-09 04:08:23 UTC
I pulled the latest changes and tested it locally with speed 10 and steering angle 0.5. SI'm not seeing any issues
Asked by azeey on 2021-08-09 17:14:22 UTC
The very last push seems to fix the issue. The problem came from the type of controllers I had set for the hinges. I used EffortJointControllers which were sending very violent commands (through the internal PID). When I switched to a PositionJointController the only thing that could break the car was playing with the solver settings but that is expected I guess. Thanks a lot for the help :). If you are interested I'll be releasing a bunch of racetracks in a month or so when I can find the time.
Asked by on 2021-08-10 02:48:48 UTC