Shadow is not visible in Rviz whiled rendering images from an RGB-D camera.
I am using D435
RGBD camera model for a Gazebo
simulation. However, while turning on /camera/color/image_raw
topic in the Rviz
, the acquired image does not show any shadow. Please let me know how to enable shadow in the rendered image? An image of the same has been attached here.C:\fakepath\snap_01.png
Asked by Ani_sim on 2021-08-21 05:53:56 UTC
I have answered it once here, not sure if the problem has been solved on the Gazebo side or not. Depth camera disables lighting, and therefore shadows don't show up.
Set <always_on>false</always_on>
to the depth camera. Then after you start the simulation, enable the camera (by the Topic Visualization, or a sensor plugin).
Asked by Veerachart on 2021-08-30 05:02:56 UTC
I tried setting <always_on>false</always_on>
in the .urdf file of the camera. But, it then does not capture anything.
Asked by Ani_sim on 2021-08-30 05:35:41 UTC
Can you try opening the Topic Visualizer from Gazebo GUI once? I don't know if the ROS plugin activates the camera or not.
Asked by Veerachart on 2021-08-31 04:26:02 UTC