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Shadow is not visible in Rviz whiled rendering images from an RGB-D camera.


I am using D435 RGBD camera model for a Gazebo simulation. However, while turning on /camera/color/image_raw topic in the Rviz, the acquired image does not show any shadow. Please let me know how to enable shadow in the rendered image? An image of the same has been attached here.C:\fakepath\snap_01.png

Asked by Ani_sim on 2021-08-21 05:53:56 UTC



I have answered it once here, not sure if the problem has been solved on the Gazebo side or not. Depth camera disables lighting, and therefore shadows don't show up.

Set <always_on>false</always_on> to the depth camera. Then after you start the simulation, enable the camera (by the Topic Visualization, or a sensor plugin).

Asked by Veerachart on 2021-08-30 05:02:56 UTC


I tried setting <always_on>false</always_on> in the .urdf file of the camera. But, it then does not capture anything.

Asked by Ani_sim on 2021-08-30 05:35:41 UTC

Can you try opening the Topic Visualizer from Gazebo GUI once? I don't know if the ROS plugin activates the camera or not.

Asked by Veerachart on 2021-08-31 04:26:02 UTC