system plugin to publish /clock from gazebo 1.7.1 standalone to ROS
I have not installed simulator_gazebo
in ros-groovy and currently working with gazebo standalone 1.7.1. I need to publish /clock
as in simulator_gazebo
. I figured that it was done by the gazebo_ros_api_plugin
. However, gazebo_ros_api_plugin
do much more than publishing /clock
and I isolated the following parts for my purpose. But, still it seems something is missing as /clock is not advertised. Any help would be appreciated.
Also, how do you run the gzclient with this plugin? I tried with gzclient -g
and it didnt work.
Thank you
#include <my_gazebo_plugins gazebo_ros_clock.h=""> namespace gazebo { SystemClock::SystemClock() { this->world_created_ = false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destructor SystemClock::~SystemClock() { event::Events::DisconnectWorldUpdateBegin(this->time_update_event_); // Finalize the controller this->rosnode_->shutdown(); delete this->rosnode_; // shutdown ros queue this->gazebo_callback_queue_thread_->join(); delete this->gazebo_callback_queue_thread_; } /// \brief ros queue thread for this node void SystemClock::gazeboQueueThread() { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Callback thread id=" << boost::this_thread::get_id()); static const double timeout = 0.001; while (this->rosnode_->ok()) this->gazebo_queue_.callAvailable(ros::WallDuration(timeout)); } void SystemClock::Load(int argc, char** argv) { // setup ros related if (!ros::isInitialized()) ros::init(argc,argv,"gazebo",ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler); else ROS_ERROR("Something other than this gazebo_ros_api plugin started ros::init(...), command line arguments may not be parsed properly."); this->rosnode_ = new ros::NodeHandle("~"); /// \brief setup custom callback queue gazebo_callback_queue_thread_ = new boost::thread(&SystemClock::gazeboQueueThread,this); // below needs the world to be created first this->load_gazebo_ros_clock_plugin_event_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldCreated(boost::bind(&SystemClock::LoadGazeboClockPlugin,this,_1)); } void SystemClock::LoadGazeboClockPlugin(std::string _worldName) { // make sure things are only called once event::Events::DisconnectWorldCreated(this->load_gazebo_ros_clock_plugin_event_); this->lock_.lock(); if (this->world_created_) { this->lock_.unlock(); return; } // set flag to true and load this plugin this->world_created_ = true; this->lock_.unlock(); this->world = physics::get_world(_worldName); if (!this->world) { ROS_FATAL("cannot load gazebo ros api server plugin, physics::get_world() fails to return world"); return; } this->gazebonode_ = transport::NodePtr(new transport::Node()); this->gazebonode_->Init(_worldName); // publish clock for simulated ros time pub_clock_ = this->rosnode_->advertise<rosgraph_msgs::clock>("/clock",10); // set param for use_sim_time if not set by user alread this->rosnode_->setParam("/use_sim_time", true); this->time_update_event_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateStart(boost::bind(&SystemClock::publishSimTime,this)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \brief void SystemClock::publishSimTime(const boost::shared_ptr<msgs::worldstatistics const=""> &msg) { ROS_ERROR("CLOCK2"); common::Time currentTime = msgs::Convert( msg->sim_time() ); rosgraph_msgs::Clock ros_time_; ros_time_.clock.fromSec(currentTime.Double()); // publish time to ros this->pub_clock_.publish(ros_time_); } void SystemClock::publishSimTime() { common::Time currentTime = this->world->GetSimTime(); rosgraph_msgs::Clock ros_time_; ros_time_.clock.fromSec(currentTime.Double()); // publish time to ros this->pub_clock_.publish(ros_time_); } // Register this plugin with the simulator GZ_REGISTER_SYSTEM_PLUGIN(SystemClock) }