Gazebo-11 crashes when i,m trying to add windows in Building editor
i installed Gazebo-11 (version 11.8.1 ) gazebo crashes everytime, when i,m trying to add windows in Building editor here it's a GIF (shown the same process that makes gazebo crash) :
that it,s belong to someone else who faced exactly same issue and discussed about it here in Github :
unfortunately, not found any solution that work for me and fix my issue
as you saw an example, i checked many stackoverflow, Github, here and ...... pages and discussions to find the solution & fix this problem but wasn't succeed. i also tried to switch between possible GPU's drivers but failed everytime i tried; for example i opened Softwares & Updates and in Additional Drivers i have two optional driver for GPU as you can see below :
- NVIDIA binary driver-version 340.108 from nvidia-340 (proprietary, tested)
- X.Org X server--Nouveau display driver from xserver-xorg-video-nouveau(open source)
which the second-one chosen (as defult) when i installed Ubuntu; when i try to chose 1st one, or try another drivers, my Ubuntu OS fails and then, the only thing i have on my laptop, is Black Screen (and i forced to install Ubuntu again everytime i tried to use another driver for GPU)
just in case, i,m on :
OS Name : Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS OS Type : 64-bit GNOME version : 3.36.8
my system (Hardware) specifications :
Memory : 8 GB CPU : Intel® Core™ i7-3537U CPU @ 2.00GHz × 4 GPU : NVD7 / Intel® HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2)
any suggestions ?
Asked by Hamid Smith Salehi on 2021-09-12 18:47:52 UTC